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Child Proof For A Great Weekend

 Starting with Friday evening, how about making smores or Rice Crispy treats, telling tag team bed time stories. Set up a tent in the living room with sheets, over two chairs [back to back] and pull out the sleeping bags.

 Day 2. Sat. morning ask kids to help with breakfast outside in an electric skillet; make sure kids place bacon or sausage in a cold skillet before turning on. After breakfast, do tie dye shirts, or paint a picture together and have kids sign, date & frame. Put in room where it will be seen by all. After, take a ride on the rapid transit or train into town or go to the end of the line; grab an ice cream cone. Once you've arrived back home; hot dogs & chips with a cold glass of lemonade goes good with a tired mom and dad; as they rest for the night.

 Day 3 Sunday. Trip to History Museum, take some P & J sandwiches for snack with grapes; kids love grapes; or how about an afternoon at the batting cages or putt / putt golf. Your children will thank you with hugs & kisses. The whole weekend should not cost over $100. Enjoy!!!

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